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Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2007
You know what is really nice? There seem to be some people in Berlin who really care for the design of their environment, and try to transform everyday things to nice details in everyday life.
Like this traffic light for cyclists I saw on my daily walk through town today. ![]() How lovely. Don´t you think? ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 20:33h
Today, I want to introduce you to one of my favourite Berlin fashion brands: “Reality Studio”.
![]() “Reality Studio” is Svenja Specht, a young fashion- and product- designer from Berlin. She creates all kinds of clothes, like amazing dresses, skirts, trousers, shirts and accessories like necklaces, scarves, hats jewellery etc. I own a few pieces, and I really do love them. They are special, interesting, innovative and of very good quality. The name “Reality Studio” refers to the concept of the “reality studio” by William S. Burroughs. link For him, reality is not a product of a neutral dialectic of the world, even more, it is a subjective, interest-orientated construction, produced in a studio. The Challenge of the artist, the human being is to realize this matter of fact and to design a new reality. There are two aspects of Burroughs theory, which can be seen clearly in the work of Svenja Specht: The “Cut-Up”, the “re-mix” of memories, impressions, experiences, and the “culture jamming”, to intervene in the cultural discussion, the “storm of the studios”, bringing your own world into it. ![]() (all pictures taken from ) Unfortunately, “Reality Studio” has no store or online-shop, but you can get the clothes in a few different shops, just check the web-site for a store near you. In Berlin, “Reality Studio” is sold at Best Shop. Studio: Reality Studio Chausseestrasse 29 10115 Berlin Fon 0049 (0)30 2809 9558 BEST SHOP Alte Schönhauser Str. 6 10119 Berlin-Mitte Tel.: +49 - 30 - 24 63 24 85 Fax.: +49 - 30 - 24 63 25 22 Opening hours Mo. - Sa. 12 - 8 pm ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment 05:57h
last night I went to a book-release in berlins best book-store (if you´re looking for art, architecture, fashion, magazines etc) called "pro qm". it wasn´t that exciting, so we decided to go to a bar around the corner. on the way, my eyes were catched by this galery called "Lena Brüning".
the wall just looks amazing. like skin. ![]() the artist is an American called John von Bergen. to quote the description on the web-site: "His new installations reveal a relationship between objects and forms that shift from the representative to the abstract, exposing actions of distress that offer more questions than answers." the exhibition is called "the Itch" and it is on til the 13th of october. Galerie Lena Brüning Almstadtstrasse 50 10119 Berlin Tuesday-Saturday 13-18 030/303 666 77 pro qm Almstadtstraße 48-50 10119 Berlin Monkay - Friday 12-20 Saturday 12-18 030/2472852-0 ... link (0 Kommentare) ... comment ... older stories
a guide for lovers and strangers this is all about berlin. the food, the fashion, the bars, the art, the people, the party...and my way of seeing them topics